CONTACT: George Fleenor
GeoGraphics Imaging & Consulting

7803 25th Ave W.
Bradenton, FL 34209
Phone: (941) 920-0246
Fax: (941) 794-6877


Bradenton, Florida – September 7, 2011

Fulldome FX (Troy McClellan) and GeoGraphics Imaging (George Fleenor) partnered to cover the last space shuttle mission, STS 135 -Atlantis. Collected was an assortment of images and sequences representing events such as the Rollover, Rollout, Pad Crawls, Launch, Landing and Tow Back. We are making these available to all planetariums free of charge. The images and sequences will be available in PNG format at 2400 and 1024 resolutions. Each facility will need to adjust brightness, contrasts etc., for their specific systems. The collection of images will be released as zip files and made available as they are readied for distribution.

Images can be downloaded from these sites:

GeoGraphics Imaging

Fulldome FX

The first zip folder contains 36 still images that are part of, in most cases, longer sequences that will be released later. As part of this download is an image from the launch of STS 133 as viewed from the Press Site, as well as, an inside shot of the Press Room. We included the STS 133 image since it was the last shuttle launch that had a clear blue sky and no clouds.

Please check back with these sites for additional downloads. The images are for in-house use only. If any planetarium/Planetarian wishes to include them in a distributed show they must first obtain written permission from GeoGraphics Imaging.

We hope you can use and enjoy them.

– END –

reposted from the fulldome yahoo group.

The Institute of American Indian Arts New Media Arts department had 6 students and one faculty mentor work at NASA Kennedy Center for ten weeks this past summer. The images are downloading now and we can’t wait to see them on the dome!